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How to Detox Your Home and Family with Essential Oils

Did you know that Americans encounter 80,000 chemicals a day?! We even come across 300 of those chemicals by breakfast! This was so disheartening to hear, especially since so many people are working hard to eat clean and minimize toxins.

The toxins in our environment, the products we use to clean our homes, and the hygiene products we use have a huge impact on our ability to maintain a healthy immune system. A non-toxic home environment is essential for lasting health. It is very important to understand what ingredients are used in your products. Many beauty products contain ingredients that are plasticizers or carcinogenic (cancer causing) chemicals. The major ones to look out for are:

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate – found in mascaras and shampoos and can lead to kidney damage
  • Phthalates – plastics commonly found in hair spray and lotion, which are linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues
  • Propylene Glycol – a skin irritant found in sunscreen

Reading labels can be overwhelming! Download helpful apps, like “Skin Deep” or “Think Dirty.” They allow you to look up a product and rate it according to safety.

About 12 years ago, we began the transition towards decreasing our toxic load. During this time, we began incorporating essential oils into our daily routine. The best and highest quality oils (and the only oils I would use for my family) are Young Living Essential Oils. They pride themselves with a Seed To Seal commitment.

It didn’t happen overnight, but little by little we began replacing toxic products and chemicals with high quality essential oils. Here are a few ways you can incorporate the healing properties of essential oils into your daily routine:

  1. Diffuse lavender and Peace & Calm at home for sleep.
  2. Use lemon oil, vinegar and water as a kitchen cleanser.
  3. Use Thieves oil to naturally disinfect and cleanse your home. We even used them on our toothpaste and countertops. To boost your immune system, you can spray Thieves oil on the bottom of your feet.
  4. Clove oil is great for a toothache!
  5. In our clinic, we diffuse lemon and citrus oils to encourage focus and clarity for the team.
  6. I recommend Stress Away for my clients with stress, anxiety and depression. I also utilize aromatherapy in my office to create a peaceful and calming environment for my clients during their session.
  7. Put a few drops of lavender oil on a washcloth and throw it in the dryer with your clothes. Purification oils cleanse the air and help with mold, fungus or airborne illness.

Last week, we hosted an Essential Oils experience at our clinic. I was reminded that taking a step towards healthier living starts one baby step at a time.

Don’t be too hard on your self if you still have toxic products in your home. The goal is to slowly replace your products. These small steps will make a huge difference for the health of you and your loved ones!

Note: I am not a medical physician and patients should consult their physician with any changes to their meds/healthcare.