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tag > exercise

Want to Reduce Stress? Get Up and Get Moving!

Stress is a part of life. It is impossible to achieve a “stress-free” life. “Seven out of ten adults in the United States say they experience stress or anxiety daily… according to the most recent ADAA survey on stress and anxiety disorders.” (Physical Activity Reduces Stress) However, stress can be managed by with better health […]

How to Reach Your Goals by Staying Positive

Did you know that most people give up on their resolutions by the second week in February? This doesn’t come as a shock, though. Our days are packed with errands and deadlines. How does one stay motivated to stick to their resolutions with all the hustle and bustle of every day life? Take some advice […]

A Guide to Surviving the Holiday Season

Guest Post by Victoria Ansell The holidays are a complicated mix between family, celebration, stress, deadlines and traveling. It is getting colder and crisper. Dead leaves litter the ground and it’s dark at 4:30. I don’t know about you, but the cold drains my energy! I feel like I don’t get as much done and […]

5 Tips to Reduce Stress Levels and Avoid Burnout

We tend to forget about ourselves when life gets busy. Self-care is very important when it comes to your health. Some stress is good, but how do we combat the bad stress? Here are 5 simple tips you can use to reduce your stress levels when life gets tough. Reach out and connect! Grab lunch […]

How To Protect Your Heart And Prevent Heart Disease

February is American Heart Month and I felt it was best to share some tips on how we can give love back to our hearts. Isn’t it amazing how our hearts can contain so much life and vitality? It is a place where love grows, hurts mend and hope lives. This one small organ pumps […]

10 Simple Ways to Make 2017 Your Healthiest Year Yet

Are you ready to look and feel your best? Learn how to make 2017 your healthiest year yet with these 10 simple lifestyle changes. These tips will help power up your mind and body. Remember to start small. Even if you only try one of these this year, you are making progress and moving in […]

New Year, New You Part 2

It’s a new year, so you’re probably expecting to get some tips on weight loss and healthy eating, right? I could write about the latest and greatest diets or trendy exercise fads, but let’s dive deeper. I want to discuss tips on self-care and how to make lifestyle transformations stick. What is your mindset as […]